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Tried and Tested

The industry commonly places its samples on microwell plates with 1,536 wells per plate. Analytik Jena has now, however, worked together with a Japanese customer to create a process supporting smaller sample sizes to increase densification. This allows for an increase in samples per plate to be analyzed with MALDI TOF MS.

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UVP BioImaging Systems. Analytik Jena offers a wide range of high performance gel and blot imaging systems designed to fit researchers' specifications and budgets. Systems are compatible with a wide range of applications depending on the system and camera configurations. Don't know which system is right for you?

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Software Support

The service of our Lab Automation unit provides you with online support and software demonstrations directly on your PC. Using an encrypted connection between Analytik Jena +Co. KG and your PC (which you initiate), we can help with the preparation or review of programs, troubleshooting, or problem-solving, and can give demonstrations of our ...

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Analytical Instruments and Products (Global)

Your Partner in Sucessful Lab Analysis As a global and leading supplier of analytical instrumentation, molecular biology instruments, liquid handling and laboratory …

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PCR Workstations & Cabinets

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Our technologies, our industry expertise. Analytik Jena is a leading provider of analytical measuring technology, instruments in the field of molecular biology, and liquid handling and lab automation technologies. The company is present for its customers in many industries, as well as over 100 countries. Analytik Jena's analysis instruments ...

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SpeedMill PLUS

The SpeedMill PLUS is a highly efficient homogenization system for various starting materials used for the subsequent isolation and purification of DNA, RNA or proteins. The homogenization process is based on an innovative mechanical principle for which a patent has been filed. This new process allows users to operate the SpeedMill PLUS ...

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Analytik Jena | LinkedIn

Analytik Jena | 12,602 followers on LinkedIn. Analytik Jena is a leading global supplier of analytical measurement technology in the field of molecular biology as well as liquid handling and ...

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UVP ChemStudio Series

15.6" integrated, multi-touch computer (UVP ChemStudio PLUS touch only) Slide2Hide door. Thin-Line Transilluminator in a pull-out tray. UV On indicator light. USB port (right panel of unit) 6 additional USB ports (back side of unit) Access port for optional UVP eLITE Light Source. Filter and illumination control via software.

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Standard PCR Thermal Cyclers

State-of-the-art PCR technology. The flexible high-quality thermal cycler with the block quick-change system and 12 different block modules, blocks for 0.2 ml, 0.5 ml tubes/plates and 384-well plates. High heating rates of up to 6°C/s in aluminum blocks and up to 8°C/s in silver blocks can be achieved due to optimal temperature control.

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Analytik Jena, Germany, company facts | Endress+Hauser

Analytik Jena. Analytik Jena is a provider of high-end analytical measuring technology, of Life Science instruments and products, as well as of liquid handling and automation …

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As Pure as Salt

For one major French chemical supplier, it's crucial to be able to document the quality of its high purity salt. The product is used in a variety of industrial processes, and so its purity needs to be safeguarded on an ongoing basis. This is where Analytik Jena came into play. When presented with the task of making this possible in 2017, it ...

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Chemical Analysis – Analyzers

Analytik Jena provides modern and reliable technology for this purpose - from highly sensitive atomic absorption spectrometers to accessories for sample handling. Overall, …

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Analytik Jena UK

Phone: +44 207 871 5799. We at Analytik Jena UK provide & develop a broad range of automated solutions to enhance your laboratory workflows. Our application development is customer driven, and enables us to be at the leading edge of the newest areas of research. Let us take your laboratory throughput to the next level.

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TOC/TNb Analysis

TOC/TN b analysis is a method for measuring the total organic carbon (TOC) and total bound nitrogen (TN b) in a sample. This method is suitable for analyzing liquid as well as solid materials. It is mainly used in environmental analysis to assess water or soil quality, in the pharmaceutical industry to assess ultrapure water quality (or for ...

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Basic Imaging Systems

Analytik Jena US offers multiple options for simple gel documentation, thin layer chromatography (TLC), as well as colony counting at affordable prices. Colony Counter - UVP ColonyDoc-It. Learn more: UVP ColonyDoc-It. UV Transilluminator with Camera - UVP DigiDoc-It. Learn more: UVP DigiDoc-It.

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Service & Support

Comprehensive range of services. Analytik Jena is dedicated to outstanding customer service and support. In addition to device installation and reviewing the analytical functionality of your device, we offer comprehensive advice, methodology development and targeted training by our application specialists in order to meet your particular ...

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Chemical Analysis Instruments and Life Science Solutions

Your Partner in Sucessful Lab Analysis As a global and leading supplier of analytical instrumentation, molecular biology instruments, liquid handling and laboratory automation technologies, Analytik Jena empowers laboratories around the world to work quickly and successfully - from routine analysis to specialized tasks in the fields of chemistry, …

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UVP Benchtop UV Transilluminators

Transilluminators with exceptionally uniform illumination. UVP FirstLight Transilluminators feature a unique, highly uniform 302 nm UV excitation source for quantitative fluorescent imaging in a wide range of applications. Produces < 5% coefficient of variance (CV) across the full filter area. Exceptionally uniform, edge-to-edge illumination.

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multi EA 4000 – CNSX Solids Analyzer

The multi EA 4000 guarantees the fully automated determination of TS, TC, TX contents and the environmentally relevant parameters TOC, TIC, EC, and BOC in soil, sediments, waste, minerals, and other organic and inorganic solids. Its modular design concept allows to expand the application range from an one element analyzer to a fully automated ...

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Automation Solutions

Explore Analytik Jena's pathway of integration/automation possibilities. Choose your degree of automation and reliable liquid handling at the highest flexibility from stand …

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Analytik Jena US Experts in Automation US based support team. Cell, Molecular biology & Chemistry applications. Benchtop Liquid Handing . End to end automation. Contact us …

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Newsletter Stay up to date. High-quality analytical instruments from Analytik Jena - atomic spectrometers, photometers, TOC & elemental analyzers and the entire portfolio for molecular biological analysis.

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Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulfur and Chlorine Analyzer

Laboratories looking for reliable elemental analysis solutions for carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, and chlorine (C, N, S, X) find in our multi EA 5100 one of the most advanced and flexible analyzers in this field. Its sister device, the multi EA 4000, enables the determination of TOC/TIC, EC/RC, and BOC in solids. Completing the combustion elemental ...

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30 Years Analytik Jena

Analyzers for ongoing Analysts - Analytik Jena Korea Providing uniform equipment for exams and the experts of the future. Tried and tested - Analytik Jena Japan CyBio systems can test large numbers of substances within a short period of time. And in response to customer demand, now they can test even more.

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Chemical Analysis – Analyzers

Analytik Jena provides modern and reliable technology for this purpose - from highly sensitive atomic absorption spectrometers to accessories for sample handling. Overall, chemical analysis is an indispensable discipline in modern science and industry. It enables the characterization of substances, the identification of impurities, the ...

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ZEEnit – Zeeman AAS Spectrometer

To meet this requirement, Analytik Jena offers the ZEEnit series of reliable analytical instruments with the proven Zeeman AAS technology. The Zeeman background correction used here is one of the most powerful background corrections in the field of AAS and ensures reliable results. Both Zeeman AAS, the ZEEnit 650 P and the ZEEnit 700 P, are ...

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Our technologies, our industry expertise. Analytik Jena is a leading provider of analytical measuring technology, instruments in the field of molecular biology, and liquid handling …

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compEAct – CNSX Micro-Elemental Analyzer

Save time and money with analysis times of 2 to 5 minutes and high sample throughput. compEAct offers field-approved, ready-to-use standard methods compliant to the relevant regulations, eliminating time-consuming development and optimization of methods. The analyzers are ideal for unattended 24/7 operation and allow for remote access.

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CyBio SELMA – Semi-Automatic Pipetting Robot

CyBio SELMA - Experience More Comfort, Flexibility And Precision While Discovering the Easyness of Automated Pipetting. CyBio SELMA is a semi-automatic pipettor with minimal required space. Optimized for a fast and precise processing of 96- and 384-well microplates without the need for programming. This allows an easy and reproducible transfer ...

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UV Handlamps

Analytik Jena US manufactures a large selection of Mineralight® and Blak-Ray® UV lamps to accommodate many applications and budgets. Uses vary from rock, bacterial and mineral identification. Analytik Jena has a lamp to fit your needs. UVP 3UV Lamps. Learn more

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Analytik Jena | LinkedIn

Analytik Jena | 12,602 followers on LinkedIn. Analytik Jena is a leading global supplier of analytical measurement technology in the field of molecular biology as well as liquid …

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Equipped to trust

Analytik Jena's UK branch developed from the CyBio representation there, which had been in place since 1999. The London-based company was founded as Analytik Jena UK Ltd. in 2019 and currently has a staff of five. How lending out a single CyBio FeliX robot led to a flourishing business relationship.

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Automated Gel Doc System

Specifications/features. UVP Solo Elite. Camera/Lens. 6.3 MP (available in monochrome or color) / Automated lens. Darkroom features. 11.6" large integrated touch screen computer with 128GB of storage on a Solid-State Drive (SSD) Intergrated shutoff UV door safety switch. 3-position automated emission filter tray with pre-installed filters.

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Biometra TOne – PCR Thermal Cycler

The Biometra TOne is a high-performance system with a 96-well block, also available with a gradient function. The combination of excellent technical data and an attractive price makes it the right choice for many research and routine laboratories. The robust and easy-to-control thermal cycler is well suited for the most common applications in ...

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Combustion Elemental Analysis

Detection Using Combustion-Based Elemental Analysis. Measuring the total chlorine in palm oil gives an indication about the contaminant load. The method of choice is combustion-based elemental analysis. The multi EA 5100 analyzer from Analytik Jena has demonstrated its versatility in a number of analysis scenarios.

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Analytical Instruments and Products (Global)

Analytik Jena within the Endress+Hauser Group Combining all of our analysis methods. As a global leader in process automation, Endress+Hauser has been a solid and reliable partner for Analytik Jena. Even with over 13,000 people around the world, the Group has remained a family-run enterprise to this day, building on strong values and clear ...

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UVP Pen-Ray Light Sources

We invented the UVP Pen-Ray Lamp and can provide the most experience, history and knowledge in the industry. Analytik Jena US advocates customer partnerships, from prototype to production. A dedicated Design and Applications Lab provides the tools required to design custom products and test specific application feasibility to provide the ...

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